Thursday, 7 November 2013

The First Cook Out

E and I have always enjoyed cooking and eating together, however we realized as we aged we need to eat better in order control our blood pressure cholesterol and weight. I came across, quite be chance while on the Greenwich council’s web site an advert for the ‘free’ Council's Community Cooking Club.

It seemed a great idea so, we both signed up and found ourselves in the hearty of our community, in group of people with different backgrounds , ages and from all over the world – reflecting the vibrant diverse community that is Abbey Wood.

The first session was lot of fun as we were introduced to the program and each other.

The meal we prepared and ate together was just great.  Everyone contributed in some way and this created a bonding experience within the group from which humour prevailed.  E&I enjoyed the dish we prepared so, much so, that once home we repeated it for our evening meal with a light twist aka some chilies!

Take away for E  
hope for M  and I to be on the same (cooking) page in future, it was good to feel a part of our community together and a new dish to boot.

Learnings for M
2/3 portions  of fish a week is good
potatoes are carbohydrates not a vegetable

Take away meal - Herb and Feat Frittata

The last piece from tonight's dinner...

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so after photographing guess who ate the last piece........Mmmmm begins with M lol
